The Safe System Approach with Robert Wunderlich, P.E.

Robert Wunderlich, P.E., ITE Fellow and Director of the Center for Transportation Safety at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, discusses the Safe System approach to reducing serious injuries and fatalities on roadways. He highlights the various aspects of the Safe System, including roadway design that reduces user error and lowers impact forces, and explains what transportation professionals can do to help implement a Safe System approach.

Listen to ITE Talks Transportation podcast


Robert Wunderlich


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Interview with Veteran NYC Traffic Reporter Pete Tauriello

For nearly four decades Pete Tauriello has been telling drivers in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut what awaits them during their travels. As part of a series of podcasts with alumni of Seton Hall‘s WSOU, he explains, there’s more to good traffic reporting than just running through a list of crashes and delays.

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Maureen & Pete Tauriello

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ETAP Podcast: Exploring The Ray, An Interview with Allie Kelly

The ETAP Podcast’s inaugural episode features an interview with Allie Kelly, executive director of The Ray. Georgia’s innovative smart highway is the nation’s first public-private-philanthropic partnership. The podcast is presented by AASHTO’s (American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials) Environmental Technical Assistance Program.

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Allie Kelly
